Nets on "146.385" 
The Keller Peak Repeater Association (146.385) supports and encourages "Net" activities on our Repeater. Currently, there are five seven nets conducted either on a daily or weekly basis: The RedEye, Satern, Rescue, NTS and the Hospital Net.
Because of the 8000+ foot elevation and geographical location of the repeater, nets conducted are heard virtually throughout the entire Southern California basin.
Net Schedule
If you know of an active net on the Keller Peak repeater and want it listed, contact the webmaster.
7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net | 7:45am Judy’s Net |
7pm (1st Mon) The Hospital Net | 6pm Skaywarn | 6:30pm Arrl Newsline | ||||
7:30 (1st Mon) San Bernardino County Fire, Emergency Communications Services Net | 7pm Swap Net |
7pm to 8:30pm Food & Friends Net |
| |||
8:00 EMCOMM | ||||||
9pm National Traffic System Net | 9pm National Traffic System Net | 9pm National Traffic System Net | ||||
10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net | 10pm Red-Eye Net |
RedEye Net | 10:00 p.m. Mostly every nightJoin Jerry, Rick or Mike on the Red Eye Net. The Red Eye Net is well known to the amateur community here in Southern Ca. So be sure and tune in and Check-In with our net controllers!! |
The Hospital Net | 7:00 p.m. 1st Monday of every Month (except holidays)We would encourage you to listen and check in to the Hospital Net hosted by Ron Braley (KE6RYX). This Net is intended for all of the regional Hospitals to test their amateur Radio systems that are installed at the various Hospitals in the area. Their net usually lasts for about an hour. So be sure to join Ron and the group. |
Judy's Net | 7:45 a.m. Every MorningJudy Dean (NB6J) of Temecula, Ca. is "Net Control" for the Morning Net. So Check-In with Judy and the other hams fo the morning net. |
San Bernardino County Fire, Emergency Communications Services Net | 7:30 p.m. 1st Monday of every MonthThis net is for the members of the Central Mountains Section of the San Bernardino County Fire, Office of Emergency Services to practice communications on the Keller Peak repeater once a month. The Net control operator is rotated among the ECS members each month. This net allows the members to test their amateur radios as well as the radios at four County Fire Stations, the Twin Peaks Sheriff Department and Mountains Community Hospital. The net lasts about 30 minutes. |
National Traffic System Net | 9:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nightsDuring disasters or other emergencies, radiograms are used to communicate information critical to saving lives or property, or to inquire about the health or welfare of a disaster victim. To get involved with NTS, find your local NTS affiliate on the air via the ARRL on-line Net Directory. |
Swap Net | 7:00 p.m. Wednesday nightsThe Swap Net is is held every Wednesday at 7:00PM. This is where you can advertise equipment for sale or trade, or where you can express your desire for equipment for cash or trade. A shack-load of equipment is usually discussed on this |
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